Pumpkin Spiced Latte- My Favourite Fall Recipes For Your Pup!
08 Nov, 2023
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Fall is Milkshake’s favourite time of year. He loves the cooler temperatures, walks littered with crunchy leaves and most of all, pumpkin! As everything starts to become cozy and magical, how do we get into the Fall spirit?
Along with stocking up on a new Fall wardrobe for myself and the pups, the thing I most look forward to are the pumpkin spice lattes! The medley of aromatic spices, all topped with a fluffy cloud of whipped cream. The ones you buy from the coffee shop don’t contain pumpkin but when you make this at home and use a real freshly roasted pumpkin, this is an absolute game changer!
In this blog, we're going to explore the pumpkin spice craze and share a super-easy, dog-friendly recipe so you and your furbaby can both indulge in the flavours of the season so you will learn exactly how to make a pumpkin spice latte for your dog. Plus, we'll spill the beans on why pumpkins are a superfood for dogs, proving that this versatile gourd isn't just for carving—your pup can benefit from it too.
Pumpkin Spice ‘Latte’ (for dogs)
- Difficulty rating: Easy
- Prep time: 10 minutes
1 Cup Goat’s milk
1 1/2 Cup Pumpkin puree (fresh or tinned)
Pinch of ground cinnamon
Whipped Cream (optional)
- Decide whether to use a fresh pumpkin or canned pumpkin (see Canned Pumpkin or Fresh pumpkin methods below).
- Canned Pumpkin method: For canned pumpkin I recommend Libby’s. If you can’t find Libby’s, use an alternative that is 100% pumpkin with no added ingredients or preservatives. If you are in the UK, Sainsbury’s have this brand.
- Fresh Pumpkin method: If you choose to use a fresh pumpkin, buy a cooking pumpkin (much smaller than a carving pumpkin). Cut in half and remove all the stringy guts and seeds (you can do this with a hand whisk but I find it’s less messy with an ice cream scoop). You can set the seeds aside if you plan to grow pumpkins next year. Put the pumpkin halves on a baking tray and cover with foil. Cook in the oven for around 45mins at 190 degrees (you may need to adjust this depending on the size of your pumpkin). You will know it is cooked once the flesh inside is soft and the skin is slightly charred. Take your ice cream scoop and collect all the pumpkin and place into a bowl, leaving the skin “shell’ behind.
- Pour all the ingredients into a blender and combine
- Pour into a bowl of your choice
- Top with whipped cream (this is optional. If you’re adding cream check there is no xylitol on the ingredients as this is toxic for dogs).
- Will stay fresh for up to 5 days if kept in the fridge in an air sealed container
Top Tips
-Swap goats milk for coconut or oat milk
-Add a little honey for extra sweetness (local, unpasturised honey)
-Please consult your vet before introducing new foods to your dog
-Give your dog a small portion as a special treat
Despite the name, latte, there is no caffeine in this ‘latte’ and this is suitable for dogs! You can print my recipe below and keep in your recipe binder!